
"What agreement has Jerusalem with Athens?"


Making Sport For Neighbours

Left Wing, Right Wing, and Industrialised Inhumanity

Mr Bennett once sarcastically remarked that the raison d’etre of the Bennett household was to make sport for its neighbours, so the Bennetts, in turn, could laugh at them.  It was a wickedly clever line parodying respectable society in Georgian England.    Similar observations could be made in our day about our “masters” the political classes, and their fawning, downstairs attendants–the media.

Let’s face it.  The media long ago ceased to be the bastion of liberty and the ever vigilant constructive critic of politicians and government.  However much the modern clutch of media personnel may deny it, however they may mock and laugh at the antics of those upstairs, in reality they need those pollies for their jobs.  They depend upon them.  The political classes and the media are our modern version of the Bennetts and their neighbours. 

Every so often little tizzies break out in the neighbourhood.  It makes sport for the rest of us.
  One of our local pollies–Russel Norman, leader of the Greens, is one such self-important fellow.  He sees himself as the defender of freedom, one of the last voices before humanity drowns in a slime of its own making.  He is one of the most amoral of the good-guys.  For Russel, the state is his lord, master, and saviour.  Well, it would be, if he, Russel, were running it.  Russel is a character resembling Mr Collins, so puffed up with self-righteousness he risks exploding, whilst spending most of his time simpering after his patroness–which, in Russel’s case is not a person but the State itself.  Russel has been a fawning political creature all his adult life, lusting and craving for power.

Recently a Beltway rag, Trans-Tasman, had the gall to suggest that one of his “flock”, the inestimable Catherine Delahunty, whose gravitas makes a ciggie paper look weighty, was an ineffectual member of Parliament.  Russel drew himself up on his hind legs and barked out the most cruel of insults.  He sarcastically accused Trans-Tasman of being a Far Right publication!  Snorts and belly laughs all around.  Good old Russel–once again making sport for his neighbours.   

The spirited, irrelevant exchange raises an interesting question, however.  We have become accustomed to using the appellations, Right, Left, and Centre to characterise politics and the arrangements of government. The terms, Far Left and Far Right are code phrases for being unhinged and unbalanced.  For folk like Russel almost all politicians and political parties and media are right-wing extremists, a perspective derived from where Russel himself stands on the spectrum–which is reflexively Left. 

But nowadays these terms are are of limited meaning (in an ideological sense) and actually reflect little more than class snobbery.  To be Left is to occupy the elevated ranks of the Upper Classes, whence all others are seen as grovelling scrubbers, mere tradesmen, and the ignorant, great unwashed.  To be Right is to hold to a similar snobbish demeanour, except that the Right, by self-assessment, occupy the Upper Classes whilst Russel and his colleagues are at home in the mudflats. 

Historically, the appellations “right” and “left” served to denote where one “stood” on the appropriate role and function of the state.  The right-wing of politics denoted authoritarian control centred upon the apparatus of the state, protected by the interests of the wealthy and the monied.  The left-wing denoted the interests of the bottom-feeders, the masses, those who would rise up to cast of their masters and seize control of the levers of power and all goodies.

But both “wings” are part of the same house.  Both alike represent the ultimacy of the state–the power of some to rule tyrannically over others.  Historically, the “Right Wing” has produced fascism.  The “Left Wing” has produced the dictatorship of the workers’ alleged representatives.  Both alike have killed, starved, executed, and cruelly imprisoned millions upon millions of human beings (in a very short space of time).

The distance between Right Wing and Left Wing could not accommodate a Catherine Delahunty, much less a cigarette paper.  It is all smoke and mirrors, noise and babble.  Both Right and Left Wing are of the same spirit.  They both end up at the same place–an institutionalised tyranny where man’s inhumanity to man becomes industrialised.

As Lizzie Bennett once observed, there’s nothing funny about that. 

Letter From America (About Ugly Redneck Relatives)

The Self-Important Hive

Katherine Timpf, writing in National Review Online has authored of those “you have to be kidding” pieces that leaves one incredulous.  The Left, and their chattering Hive-like propaganda organs, are a strange lot.  One of their peculiarities is a general air of messianic self-importance.  They are saving the world, you know.  Being a super-hero is not easy, but we, the BBG (“Borg of Greater Good”) can bear the load.  

Another peculiarity is the general air of perfumed condescension which oozes from their pores and sweat glands. There are enlightened mortals and then there is the great unwashed.  Mixing with the malodorous has to be done from time to time, and Thanksgiving is one of those times.  You end up sitting at a table with the rellies, who just happen to be ante-diluvian both in their non-chic fashion sense and, worse, their reactionary views.  But you can put up mingling with sinners if you take the opportunity to hector and evangelise.  

And so, we are told, the internet is awash with sanctimonious advice on how, not just to endure the red neck rellies over Thanksgiving, but actually use the occasion to advance the kingdom.  Timpf provides us with a summary of the Left’s recommended talking points when sitting down with the red neck rellies. 

Eight Most Ridiculous Suggestions for Talking To Conservatives This Thanksgiving

National Review Online

The Internet is full of advice on how to turn conservative family members into liberals by arguing with them on Thanksgiving. Here are this year’s eight most ridiculous tips:
1. “Redesign” the Macy’s parade to have only female balloons in it – mostly female “politicians” and “activists,” and only the “occasional princess.”

“Family holidays are ripe with opportunities to insert feminist commentary and social critique,” suggests a post titled “Pass the Turkey Spread the Feminism” from Ms. Magazine’s blog. It also suggests that you make fun of how the Elsa balloon probably offends the unrealistic body expectations of Disney —that they “would object to a princess with an expanded waistline” because “princesses can’t take up that much space.”

2. Rewrite the words to Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” “to acknowledge the millions of Americans that don’t celebrate Christmas.”

Another suggestion from Ms. Magazine’s blog. Because apparently non-Christian Americans are just so hurt that Christmas songs are about Christmas and need you to save them.
3. Talk to your family about climate change, then “follow up with an email or a Facebook message pointing to whatever (or whoever) you talked about earlier.”
“Maybe your friend or relative will be singing a slightly different tune next time you see them,” suggests the Union of Concerned Scientists. Like what, a tune about how annoying you are?
4. Get into a Biblical argument with your “Evangelical Uncle” about the book of Leviticus to convince him he is wrong about gay marriage at the dinner table.
Has your family ever just been “eating delicious stuffing and having a pleasant conversation” when “suddenly your conservative Christian uncle launches into . . . [a] rant” about the “homosexual agenda”? No, mine neither, but apparently ThinkProgress thinks it’s so common for Evangelicals to interrupt peaceful family dinners with random anti-gay tirades that they had to write an entire article about it. Apparently, the way to deal with it is: Go toe-to-toe on the book of Leviticus, and don’t forget to bring race issues into the discussion! 
5. When your “Tea Party uncle” starts making “wild assertions” about Obamacare, tell him it’s actually just “misunderstood” because evil businesses are using it as a “convenient scapegoat” for the problems they would be having anyway. 
If businesses are saying that the law is forcing them to cut back hours and drop coverage, “they’re probably just using Obamacare as a convenient scapegoat,” states an article in ThinkProgress titled “Thanksgiving Arguments: How to Talk to Your Tea Party Uncle About Obamacare.”
6. If your little niece complains about how she hates having to learn fractions on a number line, tell her that she should love Common Core because “in 43 states it sets common benchmarks for what students should know and be able to do in reading and language arts at every grade level.”

“In the past, each state set its own standards for what students should be learning,” Vox suggests you explain to your niece. It remains unclear why Vox thinks that someone at the age of learning fractions (or, you know, anyone) would ever be interested in a discussion with you about state education standards during Thanksgiving.

7. Reassure conservative relatives that “the president is wholly within his authority” in taking executive action on immigration, “but encourage them to demonstrate really loudly against this executive action so that Democrats can win the Latino vote for a generation.”

A Los Angeles Times piece, titled “What To Do if Your Crazy Right-Wing Uncle Comes for Thanksgiving,” also advises conservatives to fire back at liberals that they should keep “overreaching” so that conservatives can win the presidency in 2016. Wow, sounds like a really pleasant meal – what a way to catch up with loved ones!
8. By the way, don’t you dare think that you shouldn’t discuss politics because talking about the issues – even at Thanksgiving – is a “civic responsibility.”
The author of the L.A. Times piece also advises: “I’m not saying that discussing politics at Thanksgiving is a service on the level of, say, troops returning from Afghanistan.” Oh. Thanks for clearing that up.
— Katherine Timpf is a reporter at National Review Online.

Letter From America (About Superior Beings)

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell

Beware of Our Betters

Media downplaying role of Jonathan Gruber

Thomas Sowell
The Lane Report
November 25, 2014

Jonathan Gruber’s several videotaped remarks about the gross deceptions that got ObamaCare passed in Congress should tell us a lot about the Obama administration. And the way that the mainstream media hesitated for days to even mention what Professor Gruber said, while they obsessed over unsubstantiated charges against Bill Cosby, should tell us a lot about the media.

Whatever did or did not happen between Bill Cosby and various women is not likely to affect the lives of 300 million Americans. But ObamaCare does.
For both the politicians and the media, this was not just an isolated incident. Gruber’s videotaped discussions of the complicated deceptions built into ObamaCare with his help, designed to take advantage of what he called the “stupidity” of the public, are all too typical of the role played by the political left.

Neither the politicians nor the intelligentsia — including the media — want that role exposed for what it is.
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi acted as if she had never heard of Jonathan Gruber, and had no idea who he was. But she too had been caught on tape, a few years ago, citing him as someone whose support of ObamaCare was supposed to show that the “experts” knew how good it was.

President Obama gave a somewhat more sophisticated version of the same act. He pointed out that Professor Gruber was not part of his staff. But he did not mention that Gruber had been to the White House 19 times, and the Obama administration had paid Gruber about $400,000 of the taxpayers’ money for his supposedly unbiased expert opinion.

Gruber’s own statements seem to indicate that his mathematical models were enough to baffle the Congressional Budget Office in its efforts to figure out how ObamaCare works. That kind of expertise apparently does not come cheap. Moreover, the 400 grand is chump change compared to the millions that Jonathan Gruber has reportedly raked in from state governments for his expertise.

Barack Obama is currently playing the same political game of parading experts by citing a list of prominent law professors who say that he is not exceeding his Constitutional power by granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

Many on the left may want to help “the people.” But once you start from the premise that you know what is best for the people, better than they know themselves, you have to figure ways around a Constitution based on the idea that the people not only have a right to choose their government and control government policy with their votes, but also that there are vast areas of the people’s lives that are none of the government’s business.

Someone at the Fox News Channel has checked out these professors and found that every one of them whose political registration could be traced is a Democrat. But the names of these profs are still being paraded as if they were simply eminent scholars seeking the truth. Maybe. But maybe not.

Whether the issue is ObamaCare, amnesty for illegal immigrants or “global warming,” when you hear that “all the experts agree,” that may mean nothing more than that the fix is in. And “all” may mean considerably less than 100 percent — or even 50 percent.

No one can know for sure what motivated Professor Gruber to do what he did, or what motivated the media to stonewall as if he had never spilled the beans, or the liberal law professors to give Obama cover while he violated the Constitution.

But running through all of their actions seems to be a vision of the world, and a vision of themselves, that is a continuing danger to the fundamental basis of this country, whatever the specific issue might be.
Probably few people on the political left are opposed to the Constitution of the United States, much less actively plotting to undermine it. But, on issue after issue, what they want to do requires them to circumvent the three words with which the Constitution begins: “We, the people…”

Many on the left may want to help “the people.” But once you start from the premise that you know what is best for the people, better than they know themselves, you have to figure ways around a Constitution based on the idea that the people not only have a right to choose their government and control government policy with their votes, but also that there are vast areas of the people’s lives that are none of the government’s business.

Jonathan Gruber’s notion that the people are “stupid” is not fundamentally different from what Barack Obama said to his fellow elite leftists in San Francisco, when he derided ordinary Americans as petty people who want to cling to their guns and their religion. We need to see through such arrogant elitists if we want to cling to our freedom.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305.

Ideological Curios, Part II

Israel, Palestinians and the Secular Left

We lament any crass, nationalist idolatry which intones, “My country, right or wrong”. But it seems as though, when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, the world is filled with ideologues who have fallen into just such an idolatry.  Amongst these groups it is “My Israel, right or wrong” or “My Palestinians, right or wrong”.  In both these cases, beneath the surface lies a controlling ideology which frames either Israel or the Palestinians as all good or all bad.

In a previous post we discussed the flawed biblical theology of Dispensationalism which leads professing Christians to side with Israel, right or wrong.  More accurately, they rarely see any wrongs when it comes to Israel.  Ironically, this highly motivated stream of Christians are acutely aware of the depravity and secularity of the West, including their respective host countries, but are blind toward the same failings and evil coursing through Israel’s veins.

A similar, but reverse blindness can be found amongst the secular Left in the West.  Peter Hitchens, who for many years deliberately walked in the pathways of the Left, explains:

The strangest thing of all is that European secular left (with few exceptions) disapproves strongly of Israel and often denounces it inaccurately as religiously intolerant; yet is seldom if ever characterizes the Muslim coalition against Israel as theocratic or reactionary.  Why is this?

In general, the Western secular left (as did for many years the Soviet Union) has sympathized with the Islamic campaign against Israel since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war turned that country from a surrounded and endangered island of beleaguered territory into a colonial power occupying large amounts of territory inhabited by Arabs.  [Peter Hitchens, The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010), p. 130.]

In other words, to the secular Left, Israel has been framed as a colonialist power, which in turn frames Israel as an enemy in the mindset of dominant Marxist ideologies throughout the West.  (Colonialist powers represent the oppression of capital against the poor; this ideological “frame” consequently justifies the violent uprising of the oppressed as Freedom Fighters, a nascent proletariat rising up against capitalist exploitation.)

Marxist and Marxist-derivative ideology leads to a binary, reflexive Pavlovian perspective upon the Middle East: that is, Israel–comprehensively evil; Palestinians–comprehensively justified. 

Some Marxist leftists in Britain have taken this to its logical conclusion and have formed alliances with British Muslims despite the Muslims’ highly conservative attitudes toward women and homosexuals.  Others prefer to live in a state of unresolved doublethink. . . . As much as they dislike Islam’s role as the intolerant censor of novels and cartoonists, as the enemy of feminism, and as a harsh voice of sexual conservative, the western liberal Left have spent too long as Islam’s ally against Israel, or as defenders of mass immigration by Muslims into European countries to be wholly convincing on this point.  [Ibid.,  p.131,f. ]

This ideological mindset explains what happens when hostilities break out between Israel and the Palestinians.  Almost universally the Western media and the Commentariat are hostile towards Israel and are easily gulled by Palestinian propaganda proclaiming (often staged) Israeli atrocities.  Almost to a man the Western media comprehensively suspend disbelief or anything resembling a critical cynicism towards Palestinians because of the binary mindset which holds them fast in a mental prison: Israel-bad; Palestine-good.  Coupled with this, one suspects, is a condescending paternalism with respect to Palestinian people and authorities–to wit, an assumption that they are too ignorant and uneducated to engage in anything so sophisticated and subtle as public mummery and staged propaganda.  Peasants they are, and peasants are neither intellectual nor subtle enough to dissemble or lie. 

Christians need not take one alternative or the other.  Our calling is to be faithful to the Scriptures in all our allegiances and loyalties.  We believe this necessarily requires that we face reality, removing all worldly and false blinkers.  This implies that we do not easily take sides.  Even as we are not blind to our own sins, we will not be blinded out of false loyalty to the sins of our own nation, nor to those of other nations.  We remain strangers and exiles amongst the nations of the world, whilst praying and working to extend the Kingdom which has come and is coming in all of them.  This means we are citizens, first, of a heavenly Kingdom, whilst being citizens of earthly kingdoms.  But our loyalty to God’s Kingdom is our primary loyalty. 

This also means that any ideology which pushes us towards holding any one nation as holy or messianic is false and deeply erroneous. 

Ideological Curios, Part I

Israel and the Dispensationalists

One of the great curios of our age is the ideology swirling around Israel and the Palestinians.  Amongst the chattering classes one can find those whose ideological position is that Israel is all bad, and the Palestinians all good.  Or the reverse can also be found: Palestinians all bad, Israel all good.  Neither position is anywhere near close to the truth.  In each and every case, the mutually contradictory positions fall out from a wider and deeper ideology.  It is the respective fundamental ideology which subsequently defines Israel or Palestine in certain ways.  If the ideology is aberrant, the views and positions taken on Israel and the Palestinians will be likewise aberrant and distorted.

The first aberrant ideology we will discuss is nestled within the Protestant churches–initially in non-conformist circles in the United Kingdom, but now particularly in the United States, but not exclusively so.  There is a school of biblical theology called Dispensationalism which interprets Old Testament prophecy in such a way that the Jewish people–who remain the chosen people of God–will return to the lands of ancient Israel and will rebuild the historical institutions of Judaism, namely the Temple and temple worship.

This return of the Jewish people to their ancient historical fastness is seen as a precursor to the eschatological return of Christ Himself, Who will then set up an earthly kingdom, with the present day Jerusalem as His seat of power.  This return of  Jews to the ancient land and the establishment of a nation-state is seen as a literal miracle, a spectacular fulfilment of biblical prophecy–something not seen ever since the restoration from Babylon in the fifth century BC.  The establishment of the nation state of Israel is seen as signifying the imminent return of Christ and the final eschatological battle of Armageddon.  This view happens to dovetail quite neatly with the ideology of secular Zionism, which sees the messianic promises of the Old Testament fulfilled in the modern nation state of Israel. 

Whilst this particular biblical theology of Dispensationalism has come under severe critique in the last forty years, leading many to reject it as contrary to the Scriptures, its influence lingers on in many churches.  Those who believe thus are naturally committed root and branch to the modern nation state of  Israel.  This particular biblical theology has been influential in the US Congress, leading many to support Israel through thick and thin–both materially and intellectually.  For the Dispensationalist, not to support Israel in this way would be tantamount to standing against the Lord Himself, risking eternal damnation. Much of the support for Israel amongst the conservative independents and the right-wing of the Republican party and the supporters of the Tea Party is influenced by latent Dispensational biblical theology.

Naturally, the secularists have few radar screens to detect religious or theological beliefs.  They interpret the “through thick and thin” support of Israel amongst the Right as unthinking idiocy and inveterate ignorance–which, they see, as typical of conservative and right wing folk in general. “They disagree with us and, therefore, are stupid and dumb.”  (Consider the immediate “framing” of Sarah Palin when she came to national attention as an untutored rube, for example.  Palin is influenced by dispensational theology.)  Missing the theological and ideological rationale completely, the establishment Left see their pro-Israel conservative opponents as unthinking, irrational, and uneducated.  By so doing they rather confirm their own ignorance and the miasmic thickness of their own hide-bound cant.

Nevertheless, a repeated lacunae amongst Dispensational folk is their unwillingness to see Israel as it really is.  What this group will not see is that Israel is an irreligious nation by virtually every measure.  As Peter Hitchens observes:

. . . Israel is in almost all ways a secular state, founded by irreligious, socialist non-Jewish Jews and actively disliked as blasphemous by many of the most Orthodox Jews.  Its easily evaded marriage laws–one of the few religious things about its legal system–are misleadingly cited by critics as evidence that Israel is a theocracy, when it is nothing of the kind.  [Peter Hitchens, The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me to Faith (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010), p. 130.]

We recall meeting years ago with some very orthodox Jewish folk in Toronto who hated the nation state of Israel, believing it to be degenerately socialist, secular, and ungodly.  They would have nothing to do with it, and despite being immensely wealthy, refused to support the modern nation state of Israel financially or in any other way.  They, rather, devoted themselves to charitable work amongst the poor and dispossessed in Toronto–both Jew and Gentile alike.  That, they said, was the orthodox Jewish thing to do.

Thus, amongst the “Dispensationalists” and those influenced by their aberrant biblical theology, support for Israel is reflexive, unthinking and implacable.  Israel’s promotion of homosexuality, abortion, sexual promiscuity, and every other evil–including the persecution of Christians in that land–are all overlooked and tolerated because of a deeper cause–namely, their belief in the imminent return of Christ to Israel and a false belief that the very existence of that nation is a spectacular fulfilment of biblical prophecy (as they see it).

The corollary is that the Dispensationalist Christians and those influenced by dispensationalist theology are likewise implacably opposed to Israel’s enemies–the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the dispossessed.  To be fair, however, were these groups to accept the existence of Israel as a given and work to co-exist in peace, they would rejoice and do all that they could to assist the very same Palestinians and Arabs. (Dispensationalists, like most Christians, tend to be very generous.)

Remove the false under-girding theology of Dispensationalism, and its attendant pro-Israel ideology and one is left looking at Israel as it really is: a secular, pagan, Unbelieving, socialist, irreligious modern democratic state, replete with every kind of vice and iniquity.  Sort of like New Zealand, or Australia, or Canada, or . . .

The second aberrant ideology which controls attitudes to Israel–in this case, hostility–is the European (and increasingly US) secular Left.  We will canvass the ideological grounds of their implacable hostility toward Israel and their reflexive support for Palestinians and Islamism next.

A Disease of the Soul

Universal Acid of Resentment

The leftist mindset is fixated over money.  The origins of this addiction can be traced back to Marx’s materialistic belief that capital (i.e. money/wealth) ruled the world.  The oft-leaned upon excuse for leftist electoral failure is that “lesser-leftist” politicians have lots of money and they effectively steal elections by paying for the manipulation of the electorate, and, to compound the problem, the genuinely-leftist parties do not have sufficient money to spend and manipulate the electorate to keep pace.  So the competition is unfair from the get-go.

The lack of money is the leftist’s stock-in-trade excuse for electoral failure.  Given the vaguest chance that someone might provide some money, the leftist politician will be like a rat up a drainpipe.  When multi-millionaire German, Kim Dotcom arrived on the shores of New Zealand it became immediately obvious that he intended to use his millions “earned” through the Mega file sharing website to buy himself some influence.

Kim Dotcom during the press conference that followed his “Moment of Truth”. Photo / NZ Herald

He played the part of an unscrupulous, venal, self-seeking capitalist with more realism and panache than a Hollywoood A-lister.  He initially contributed to the campaign of right-winger, John Banks for the Auckland mayoralty.  When Banks failed to support him in his skirmishes with the law, Dotcom turned on Banks like a vengeful Fury.

The Left screamed “dirty politics”.  But, true to form and type, they then began to form their own line-up outside the door of Dotcom’s mansion.  Every one of them had their caps out.
  They were looking for the ace-in-the hole which would provide electoral success.  Money.  Tons of it.  After the leftists had walked the catwalk in front of Dotcom’s leering visage, he settled his money on a new party of his own creation.  It was a strange composite creature.  Dotcom thought, and the Left thought, that by bestowing millions of dollars upon his creation, electoratal success would inevitably follow.  Once again, it has failed miserably.  The crass materialism of leftism has been unable to deliver the goods.

For the Left, Dotcom has been a kind of Cargo Cult figure.  When it is all over, Dotcom will most likely be extradited to the United States to face charges of theft.  He will likely disappear into the US federal prison system.  But we expect that the bankrupt materialism of the Left will remain firmly in place.  Leftists will not have learned any lessons whatsoever.  They will maintain the herd-belief of the Borg that all of life is determined by money and property and who has more of it.  They will continue to put the Left’s  electoral failure down to not having enough of the folding stuff.  They will continue to despise their political opponents for being “rich”, and ipso facto, evil.  The Left will continue to gnaw upon its own resentful bones, in the dark.

Christians will never be fooled by such idolatry.  Christians will never be fooled by materialism and its present political manifestations of Marxism and socialism.  Christians worship King Jesus– King of all kings (Matthew 28:18).  Christians are merry warriors, exuberantly doing good to all men, but especially those of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10).  Christians are content if they can have food and clothing and shelter (I Timothy 6:8).  Christians, the Church, and Christian organisations always have just the right amount of cash to do what the Lord intends them to do, for He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and all the earth is His (Psalm 50:10).  Christians are bondslaves of the Lord–and are therefore free men and free women and free children.  Truly free.

Who would be a secular Leftist?  It’s a universal acid of resentment which eats everything away, including the soul. 

Letter From the UK (About the Left’s Anti-Semitism)

Is the Left anti-Semitic? 

Sadly, it is heading that way 

Brendan O’Neill
The Telegraph
29 July, 2014

Brendan O’Neill is editor of the online magazine spiked and is a columnist for the Big Issue in London and The Australian in, er, Australia. His satire on environmentalism, Can I Recycle My Granny and 39 Other Eco-Dilemmas, is published by Hodder & Stoughton. He doesn’t tweet.

There has been a lot of talk over the past two weeks about whether it is anti-Semitic to oppose Israel’s attack on Gaza. Radical Leftists and liberal commentators have insisted (perhaps a bit too much?) that there is nothing remotely anti-Semitic about their anger with Israel or their fury on behalf of battered, bruised and bombed Palestinians. And of course they are right that it is entirely possible to oppose Israel’s militarism without harbouring so much as a smidgen of dislike for the Jewish people. Some will oppose the war in Gaza simply because they are against wars in general, especially ones that impact on civilians.

However, it seems pretty clear to me that much of the left in Europe and America is becoming more anti-Semitic, or at least risks falling into the trap of anti-Semitism, sometimes quite thoughtlessly. In the language it uses, in the ideas it promotes, in the way in which it talks about the modern world, including Israel, much of the Left has adopted a style of politics that has anti-Semitic undertones, and sometimes overtones.

This is a recurring theme in anti-Israel sentiment today: the idea that a powerful, sinister lobby of Israel lovers has warped our otherwise respectable leaders here in the West, basically winning control of Western foreign policy.

The key problem has been the Left’s embrace of conspiratorial thinking, its growing conviction that the world is governed by what it views as uncaring “cabals”, “networks”, self-serving lobbyists and gangs of bankers, all of which has tempted it to sometimes turn its attentions towards those people who historically were so often the object and the target of conspiratorial thinking – the Jews.

Yes, one can hate Israel’s attack on Gaza without hating the Jews. But there’s no denying that the hatred being expressed for Israel’s attack on Gaza is different to the opposition to all other acts of militarism in recent times.
Just compare the huge 2003 Hyde Park demo against the Iraq War with the recent London demos against Israel’s attack on Gaza. The former had an air of resignation; it expressed a mild, middle-class sense of disappointment with Tony Blair, through safe, soft slogans like “Not In My Name”. The latter, by contrast, have been fiery and furious, with screeching about murder and mayhem and demands that the Israeli ambassador to the UK be booted out. Some attendees have held up placards claiming that Zionists control the British media while others have accused both London and Washington of “grovelling” before an apparently awesomely powerful Israeli Lobby.

The Left has increasingly embraced a conspiracy-theory view of the world. It is now very common to hear Leftists talk about the “cabals of neocons” who control world affairs, or the “cult of bankers” who wreak havoc on our economies

This is a recurring theme in anti-Israel sentiment today: the idea that a powerful, sinister lobby of Israel lovers has warped our otherwise respectable leaders here in the West, basically winning control of Western foreign policy. You see it in cartoons depicting Israeli leaders as the puppet masters of politicians like William Hague and Tony Blair. You can hear it in Alexi Sayle’s much-tweeted claim that the “Western powers” kowtow to Israel because they are “frightened of it… frightened of the power that it wields”. You can see it in the arguments of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in their popular book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, which holds an apparently super-powerful pro-Israel lobby in the heart of Washington responsible for the Iraq War and all other kinds of disasters. The claim is often made that Israel has corrupted Western officials, commanding them to carry out its dirty work.

Sound familiar? Yes, this has terrible echoes of the old racist idea that Jewish groups controlled Western politics and frequently propelled the world into chaos – an idea that was especially popular in the early to mid-20th-century Europe. Very often, anti-Israel protesters treat Israel not just as a nation at war – like Britain, America or France, which also frequently launch wars that kill huge numbers of civilians – but also as the warper of policy and morality in the West, as a source of poison in global affairs, as the architect of instability across the globe. Indeed, a few years ago a poll of Europeans found that a majority of them view Israel as “the biggest threat to world peace”. So Israel is undoubtedly singled out by Leftists and others, and even more significantly it is singled out in a way that the Jews used to be singled out – that is, as a sinister, self-serving corrupter of nations and causer of chaos.

Much of today’s anti-Israel protesting has a conspiracy-theory feel to it, with its talk about powerful lobby groups designing wars behind closed doors in order to isolate Israel’s enemies and boost Israel’s fortunes. And this is in keeping with Left-wing politics generally, today. The Left has increasingly embraced a conspiracy-theory view of the world. It is now very common to hear Leftists talk about the “cabals of neocons” who control world affairs, or the “cult of bankers” who wreak havoc on our economies, or the Murdoch Empire that “orchestrates public life from the shadows” (to quote Labour MP Tom Watson). All seriously analytical and nuanced readings of international trends and political dynamics have been elbowed aside by contemporary Leftists, who prefer instead to argue that dark, hidden, mysterious forces are ruining politics, plotting wars, and enriching themselves at the expense of the poor. And, as history shows us, there is a thin line between railing against wicked cabals and cults and wondering out loud whether the Jews are secretly running world affairs, or at least wielding a disproportionate influence.

Indeed, some of the most influential trends in Left-wing politics over the past five years – including the Occupy movement and the Wikileaks movement – were both given to conspiracy-theorising and both also had a bit of a problem with anti-Semitism. So Occupy was kickstarted by Adbusters, a magazine convinced that powerful corporations control the masses’ fickle minds. In 2004, Adbusters published a disgustingly anti-Semitic article titled “Why Won’t Anyone Say They Are Jewish?”, which listed the neocons in the Bush administration and put a black mark next to the names of those who are Jewish. Not surprisingly, Occupy itself, which was obsessed with the baleful influence of small cliques of bankers and other faceless, evil people, often crossed the line into anti-Semitism, as the Washington Post reported. And Wikileaks, too, which is also a borderline conspiracy-theory outfit, what with its obsession with the “conspiratorial interactions among the political elite”, has had issues with anti-Semitism: one of its key researchers, Israel Shamir, was exposed by the Guardian as being “notorious for [his] Holocaust denial and publishing a string of anti-Semitic articles”.

It is not an accident that the three key planks of the Left-wing outlook today – the anti-Israel anti-war sentiment, the shallow anti-capitalism of Occupy, and the worship of those who leak info from within the citadels of power – should all have had issues with anti-Semitism. It is because the left, feeling isolated from the public and bereft of any serious means for understanding modern political and economic affairs, has bought into a super-simplistic, black-and-white, borderline David Icke view of the world as a place overrun and ruled by cabals and cults and sinister lobby groups. And who has always, without fail, been the final cabal, the last cult, to find themselves shouldering the ultimate blame for the warped, hidden workings of politics, the economy and foreign turmoil? You got it – the Jews.


Mouldy Tyrannies, Free Spirits

Freedom For Us, Controls for Everyone Else

There are two ways in which a secular society can be organized.  It can be built upon maximising a form of human freedom, or it can enforce one view as absolutely right, imposing it upon all.  The former champions liberty of opinion and freedom of thought, word and deed.  The latter champions order, structure, and the one right way.  The former reflects libertarianism.  The latter reflects an authoritarian dictatorship either by One or the Party.

Unbelief will always pull either one way or the other.  But over time, libertarianism will crumble and tyranny will win out.  Why?  Libertarianism has no authoritative standard by which the limits of liberty can be nailed down. It has no authoritative standard to define what the human being is who is to be free.  Humans in the womb, senile humans, comatise humans don’t necessarily qualify.  Sexual perversions performed by sexual perverts do.  Man-boy-“love” must enjoy the protections of liberty.  Libertarianism produces the ruthless discarding of humans from their own race. Libertarianism inflicts a deadly tyranny upon those judged to be “outsiders”.

At the same time, libertarianism must foster and allow and even indirectly encourage views which champion authoritarianism, its opposite. Libertarianism is a vacuum which the natural order eventually abhors. Consequently, all secular societies gradually morph into tyrannies of one kind or the other.

Here is an example of  what we speak.
  In the United States there have been a couple of recent examples of free speech being punished by those professing to be offended.  The first is the case of the Mozilla CEO, Brendan Eich  forced to resign because he contributed to an organisation opposing homosexual “marriage”.  The second was the withdrawal of an honorary degree being awarded by Brandeis University to human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali.  The latter’s offence: her sustained public criticism of Islam’s tyranny over women.

The liberal Commentariat considered both matters and punished both Eich and Ali, effectively ruling that their speech, opinions, and ideas were to be suppressed, and that they were to endure repression.

Ross Douthat, writing in the New York Times, pointed out what we Christians have known all along.  The Left does not believe in liberty–not for its opponents.  The Left’s view of liberty is that it wants freedom for itself, but control and repression for everyone else.

Earlier this year, a column by a Harvard undergraduate named Sandra Y. L. Korn briefly achieved escape velocity from the Ivy League bubble, thanks to its daring view of how universities should approach academic freedom.  Korn proposed that such freedom was dated and destructive, and that a doctrine of “academic justice” should prevail instead. No more, she wrote, should Harvard permit its faculty to engage in “research promoting or justifying oppression” or produce work tainted by “racism, sexism, and heterosexism.” Instead, academic culture should conform to left-wing ideas of the good, beautiful and true, and decline as a matter of principle “to put up with research that counters our goals.”

Korn’s view of freedom is progressively taking control–which, as we suggest above, is inevitable in the halls and confabulations of Unbelief.  Whilst libertarianism is actually a vacuum, which Unbelief will abhor and strive to fill with a version of command and control.  Douthat goes on:

The defect, crucially, is not this culture’s bias against social conservatives, or its discomfort with stinging attacks on non-Western religions. Rather, it’s the refusal to admit — to others, and to itself — that these biases fundamentally trump the commitment to “free expression” or “diversity” affirmed in mission statements and news releases.
This refusal, this self-deception, means that we have far too many powerful communities (corporate, academic, journalistic) that are simultaneously dogmatic and dishonest about it — that promise diversity but only as the left defines it, that fill their ranks with ideologues and then claim to stand athwart bias and misinformation, that speak the language of pluralism while presiding over communities that resemble the beau ideal of Sandra Y. L. Korn.

He concludes that he can live with progressivism.  It’s their lying that is toxic–lying about freedom, holding up freedom’s mask, whilst underneath ardently working and militating to suppress all who disagree with them.

Now all this might sound a bit over the top to the ears of all ostriches embedded in grainy stuff.  But Douthat’s point is proved beyond reasonable doubt by the comments of readers, rated most popular, at the end of his piece.

We provide just three samples of the evidence that Douthat is right:

Example 1: Rima Regas 

“This refusal, this self-deception, means that we have far too many powerful communities (corporate, academic, journalistic) that are simultaneously dogmatic and dishonest about it — that promise diversity but only as the left defines it, …”

You can’t have it both ways, Mr. Douthat. Once Eich’s donation of $1,000 to Prop 8 became known to both the employees under him aware and of it and its implications as to his likely bias as a boss and the board above him, it was absolutely appropriate for both to make their feelings known and for the board to make an ethical decision as to where to stand. This is self-correction at its finest. Ethics won. Possible bias at every step of Mr. Eich’s management of the organization he headed was thwarted. . . .

Where you are wrong, again, Mr. Douthat, is that diversity doesn’t – shouldn’t – include its opposite. In a world where we strive for the forces of good to win over evil, evil gets canceled out and not invited to have a permanent place at the table.  That is the point you always miss consciously and subconsciously.

[Note the self-deception of the correspondent endorsing the same evil which she is also arguing against. There must be tolerance and diversity, but not for things “we” disagree with.  The appeal she makes is to her own self-referenced absolute standard (ironically calling her opinions good versus her opponents  evil) to which all others must be made to conform.  And when conformity is enforced, it is euphemistically described as “self-correction”.  Ed.]

Example 2: DR

You’ve gotta hand it to conservatives for coming up with yet another way to dress up bigotry. Now they call it “diversity of thought.”

Example 3: Stephen

No Ross, being fired for for financing hate is not a violation of free speech, nor is it hypocritical for those who advocate diversity to fire them. When people say they want a diversity of ideas it’s implicit that the ideas pass even minor scrutiny. This means nearly all ‘conservative’ ideas don’t pass muster, like global warming denial, creationism, or the belief that homosexuality is going to infect and pervert children (the idea Eich’s money went towards expressing).  

Douthat is right.  Tolerance is afforded only to those with whom the secular left agree.  The secular right cannot survive because it needs to ensure the left have oxygen, and lebensraum.  In a secular society, power, in the end, always comes out of the barrel of a gun: it does not reside in liberty of conscience and freedom of opinions.  The Left will always win, and its tyranny will carry the day.  The void into which evil integrates is tyranny.  Favoured opinions will be accorded freedom and liberty.  All others will be suppressed violently.

In the meantime, we Christians continue as merry warriors, resisting evil wherever we find it–amongst the Libertarians or the Left.  Our hope, both for ourselves and the whole world, lies not in Ayn Rand, nor in Kim Jong Un, but in God and His Son. They will not fail, for none can stay their hand.  The long arc of human history will eventually co-incide with the longer arc of redemptive history.  Therefore, nor shall we fail.  The future belongs to us, in Christ Jesus.    


Crass and Crasser

Ignorance Extraordinaire 

The economic ignorance and illiteracy of the Left wing is well documented.  All heat and no light.  Consider the following piece of antediluvian ignorance from a Labour candidate.

The back-story is the the government’s proposal to build some new government schools using a private/public partnership approach.  This erudite Labour candidate shows she can jump right to the chase, putting front and centre the ignorant prejudice which bedevils the Left when it comes to economic reality.  No wonder they struggle for  electoral traction.  There are few things more telling than this post.

It is always the assumptions which kill in these matters.
  The first is this: economic reality is binary.  There only ever can be winners and losers. Someone gains at the expense of someone else.  So if corporates make profits from building schools it necessarily means that education becomes sub-standard.  The fundamental concept of free contracts for goods and services is that they make possible a win-win outcome where both buyer and seller profit.  Not so in the Leftist worldview.  If corporates “win” it necessarily means that kids suffer.

Second, profit is always evil.  That’s why Megan Woods makes the jump to McDonalds when looking for a poster child for evil corporate greed in an argument discussing the construction of new government schools. To our knowledge, MacDonalds has never built a school and has no interest in doing so.  But that’s no matter. McDonalds symbolises a business which makes a profit.  Therefore, it is both vulpine and rapine in its modus operandi.  It exploits and does damage to people.

In the simplistic world of the Left, profits are bad because they represent more money which could be ploughed back into schools (presumably).  So, if Corporate A made a profit building a government school, which it subsequently leased back to the government, the profit component of that deal would be “lost”.  If the government were to build the school and not take a profit, more money would be available to operate said government school, leading to a higher quality education.  Note the closed, binary logic.  It’s either one or the other.

Think about what is being implied here.  Every non-government economic activity is implicitly evil because it seeks profits.  If a contractor makes a profit from building a road, it is an evil exploitation.  Government alone must build it.  How about growing vegetables?  Farming?  All of this could be done at a higher quality standard if the profit component were not taken–that is, if the government did it all.  If the government were doing it, or building it, the quality would be higher, because profits would not be taken and more cash could be ploughed back into the development or economic activity. 

But let’s not stop there.  Employees are making a profit from their wages.  Ergo, the quality of the government build is not at an optimum because its employees are also dirty profit seekers.  Government should not only be the only economic producer of all goods and services, but to optimise the quality, it should not pay its employees anything–thereby releasing even more money to pour back into even higher quality roads, farms, and knitting shops.  Thus passes the scintillating economic doctrines of Ms Megan Woods and the Left. These folk aspire to govern New Zealand. 

Another bedevilling assumption in the Left’s world-view is that the supply of government money is inexhaustible.  Suddenly, when the government becomes an economic player things are not at all binary.  In Megan Woods’s wonderland, governments will always have enough money to build schools as well as operate them.  It need not take profits because it can always get more money at any time.  It’s called taxation, or borrowing, or the money-printing press.  In Woods’s world the government never runs out of money.  It is Alice in Wonderland stuff.  The concept of using private businesses to develop and lease back school buildings to the state so as to save the tax payers money has apparently never occurred because the concept could not gain entry into the close-gated mind in the first place.

Another assumption, which boils with ignorant, xenophobic prejudice is an extreme bias against multi-national corporations (that is, companies doing business in several or more countries).  We are sombrely told  that a quarter of bidders to build and lease-back school buildings are multi-nationals.  Gasp.  How horrific.  Presumably in the mind of the Left that makes for the terrible travesty of dirty profit becoming even more dirty because it will flow back to foreign people.  Presumably, for the avoidance of hypocrisy, Megan Woods will be down at the corporate headquarters of Fonterra or Fletcher Building next week protesting the evils of those multi-national corporates.  Not a chance.  Why?  Because Ms Woods and her Lefty colleagues are likely too blinkered by prejudice to think outside their myopic square. 

Last, but not least, we cannot let the irony of Ms Woods final assertion go by: Labour, we are told, “stands for quality, universal public education” (sic).  If so, then the cause is being undermined by embarrassing advocates whose economic ignorance and base prejudice imply “quality, universal public education” (sic) is an oxymoron.  Sadly, this is all the more so because Ms Woods has a doctorate in history, earned from the University of Canterbury.  Words fail. 

A Few Left Wing Moral Contradictions

Potemkin Fakes

Left wing ideologues tend to hate people with money.  More accurately they hate other people with money, particularly if the selfsame other people have more moolah than they. The ratiocination to arrive at this rather sophisticated position is complex and turgid.  It runs like this: rich people can only become rich by exploiting the weak and the dispossessed.  Therefore, their wealth is evidence of immoral usury.  Moreover, it proves their guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Sophisticated reasoning.

Now of course when left wing folk manage to garner some money of their own, their money is righteous (by definition).  Their money has been earned whilst they have been standing up for the poor and downtrodden, so their money is clean, laundered money.  Everybody else’s is corrupt and evil–presumably because it was earned in trade, rather than from taxpayer funded salaries paid out to politicians.  A classic example was provided by the last Labour administration in New Zealand.
  The Labour Finance Minister of the time railed against “rich pricks” (in New Zealand, colourful, crude public language is considered the virtue of an intellectual sophisticate), whilst his boss, the Prime Minister, Helen Clark was actually a millionaire.  But in the binary leftist worldview, her wealth was righteous and moral because it was somehow garnered whilst not exploiting the poor. Everyone else’s wealth is to be sneered at because it is dirty money.

But there remains a sure-fire way for the money of rich exploiters to be laundered into lily white righteous moolah.  This magical laundry process works instantly, as soon as some rich exploiter donates money to a leftist politician.  Instantly, the bad guy becomes good, his sins expiated.  Equally, all those he has exploited and expropriated from along the way to hoarding wealth are somehow restituted (no-one is quite sure how this actually happens).  Moreover, dirty money becomes lily white faster than the laundering of a Columbian drug cartel.

It is not surprising, then, to have seen all left-wing parties cosy up to Kim Dotcom–a self-styled plutocrat mogul–who is busily trying to buy his way into a position of political influence in New Zealand (primarily, it seems, to block his extradition to the United States to face indictment on reasonably serious charges.)  He has plenty of dance partners.  Like lemmings the left-wing parties have trooped out to his plutocrat mansion for one-on-one discussions: the Greens, New Zealand First (choke, choke), and even the Mana Party, currently the closest political manifestation of Trotskyitism on the political scene.  How can they compromise themselves so?  Easy.  As soon as Dotcom’s moolah hits a left-wing politician’s bank account, Dotcom’s soul will spring from purgatory, and his money will be lily-white.

The current crop of left-wing politicians and political parties are to be despised.  All of them to man, woman and transgendered ardently support political parties being funded by taxpayers.  But when the taxpayers recently revolted against such a blatant rort, they have all been reduced to polishing up their begging bowls whilst squatting outside the mansions of evil rich people.  The shame of it all.

But herein lies a deeper malaise.  In all the back rooms of the left-wing political parties you can hear the teeth grinding incessantly.  The reason little electoral traction can be found is due to not having money.  If only they had more money, the things they would be able to do!  The advertising, the events, the swishy cars–voters would flock to them.  In reality, none of them want to put in the hard yards of building a political party from the ground up–which requires, dare we say it, hard work and self-sacrifice and discipline and patience.  Not one of them is prepared to live in self-imposed poverty, donating every spare cent to the cause.  None of them want to build a political party which will take decades, if not generations of effort.  

They want instant self-gratification.  To achieve it, they want other peoples’ money.  They are up for sale.

We conclude with an illustration of the disease.  Trotskyite Mana cosying up to filthy-rich capitalist in exchange for some moolah–(as advocated on Facebook by Mana’s press secretary:

Ok so we would be helping a fat white rich prick with a bunch of money, but it would obviously help MANA to! [sic] I’m not picking a side, just wanna be clear! The parties would not merge, we would share a list, and guaranteed MANA would have the top spots to start! If we did it, the difference could be 2 or 3 MANA MPs, and we remain our own party! It’s not all doom and gloom ! Could be the difference of having say John Minto and Te Hamua Shane Nikora in the House! Didn’t mention Annette Sykes cause she will already be there [sic] Doesn’t sound that bad when you look at it like that aye?

Some party faithful appear to have a different view.

Niki O’Connor: What has his skin colour got to do with it?? Imagine the uproar if that was reversed!!

Greig WilsonIt sounds bad to me.

Paul Rose: I have a lot of respect for Hone and the Mana Party. That would vanish instantly if this loony idea came to fruition. It’s also not really keeping within the spirit of MMP.
Marion PekaMana will come off as looking very desperate. Sad really.

David Gurney: You have got to be kidding!

Ebony Sullivan: Dont do it… please hes another john keys but worse… hmble your guys self and partner up wif maori you go to dotcom im out sori bt ur party would b his bitch seen it to many times.. better to lose honourably than to win disgracefully.

It’s Lenin versus Trotsky all over again.  What a hoot.  What a disgrace.  

The Left’s Achilles Heel

The West’s Amoral Turpitude

The quotations below come from award winning British journalist and best-selling author Melanie Phillips’sGuardian Angel.” “Guardian Angel” tells the story of how Phillips started her career in British journalism on the Left in the late 1970s, and became a stalwart Liberal culture warrior, as reflected in her positions on Islam, Israel, feminism, education, economics, environmentalism and a whole host of other issues.  But now she has left the camp, a move that have earned her the wrath and contempt of European Leftists, particularly amongst media peers.

Guardian Angel

1. The “Chicago Way” (in London) ”I always believed in the duty of a journalist to uphold truth over lies, follow the evidence where it led and fight abuses of power wherever they were to be found. I gradually realised, however, that the left was not on the side of truth, reason, and justice, but instead promoted ideology, malice, and oppression. Rather than fighting the abuse of power, it embodied it.
Through demonising its enemies in this way, the left has undermined the possibility of finding common ground and all but destroyed rational discourse. This is because, as shown by its reaction to Lady Thatcher’s death, it substitutes insult and abuse for argument and reasoned disagreement.”

2. Leftist totalitarianism ”Moreover, while there were undoubtedly serious differences, the distinction between tankie totalitarians and the soft left served to mask the fact that the soft left was also totalitarian in its instincts. It may have recoiled from the tanks rolling into Hungary or Czechoslovakia, but it most certainly parked its own tanks on the lawns of British society. From there it proceeded to lay siege to the fortresses of Western culture, crushing all dissent beneath its tracks.”

3. The Overton Window ”More devastatingly still, by twisting the meaning of words such as liberal, compassion, justice and many others into their opposites, it has hijacked the centre-ground of politics. Left-wing ideology is now falsely said to constitute the moderate centre-ground, while the true centre-ground is now vilified as ‘the right’. This is as mind-bending as it is destructive, for it has introduced a fatal confusion into political debate on both sides of the Atlantic.

Redefining the true middle ground of politics as ‘right-wing’ has served to besmirch and toxify the commitment to truth, reason, decency, and reality which characterises where most people happen to situate their thinking. At the same time, by loudly asserting that left-wing ideology is really ‘centrist’, the left has succeeded in presenting extremist, antisocial, or even nihilistic ideas as unarguably good, and all dissent is promptly vilified as ‘extreme’…For by asserting that it embodied the centre ground, what the left actually did was to hijack the centre ground and substitute its own extreme values — thus shifting Britain’s centre of political and moral gravity to the left, and besmirching as extremists those on the true centre ground. And something very similar has happened in the US, where language has been appropriated in order to engineer a seismic shift in attitudes, concealed by a mind-bending reversal of the meaning of words.”

4. The Middle Eastern double standard and Leftist racism

In a leader conference one day, I asked why the Guardian appeared to be pursuing a double standard in its coverage of the Middle East. Why did it afford next-to-no coverage of Arab atrocities against other Arabs while devoting acres of space to attacking Israel for defending itself against terrorism? The answer I received from my colleagues that day stunned me. Of course there was a double standard, they said. How could there not be? The Third World did not subscribe to the same ethical beliefs as the West about the value of human life. The West therefore was not entitled to judge any mass killings in the Third World by its own standards. That would be racist.

I was most deeply shocked. The views they had just expressed amounted to pure racism. They were in effect saying that citizens of a Third World country were not entitled to the same assumptions of human rights, life, and liberty as those in the developed world.

But how could this be? This was the Guardian, shrine of anti-racism, custodian of social conscience, embodiment of virtue. How then could they be guilty of racism – and moreover, dress it up as anti-racism? Of course, this is the core of what we now know today as ‘political correctness’ – where concepts are turned into their polar opposite in order to give miscreants a free pass if they belong to certain groups designated by the left as ‘victims’. They are thus deemed to be incapable of doing anything wrong, while groups designated as ‘oppressors’ can do no right.

According to this double-think it was simply impossible for the Guardian folk to be guilty of racism, since they championed the victims of the Third World against their Western capitalist oppressors. But when those Third World unfortunates became the victims of the Third World tyrants ruling over them, the left remained silent – since to criticise any Third World person was said to be ‘racism’. This twisted thinking is what now passes for ‘progressive’ thinking in Britain and America. Thus the left actually abandons the oppressed of the world to their fate, all the time weeping crocodile tears for them – while sanctimoniously condemning ‘the right’ for its heartlessness! It is this hijacking of language and thought itself that has done so much to destroy any common understanding of the political ‘centre ground’, the lethal confusion that has so unfortunately polarised political debate into vacuous caricatures that have precious little to do with reality…

The really striking thing was that…Israel and Jew-bashing bigotry was strongest on the supposedly anti-racist left. As I noted in 2003, what was going on was a kind of Holocaust inversion with the Israelis being demonised as Nazis, and the Palestinians given a free pass as the ‘new Jews’. Hatred of the Jews now marched grotesquely behind the left’s banner of anti-racism and human rights, giving rise not merely to distortions, fabrications and slander about Israel, but mainstream media chat about the malign power of the Jews over America and world policy.”

5. Progressive education ”By now I had been looking for schools for my own children and I could see for myself that teaching had been hijacked by left-wing ideology. Instead of being taught to read and write, children were being left to play in various states of anarchy on the grounds that any exercise of adult authority was oppressive and would destroy the innate creativity of the child.

Galvanised by the reaction which suggested that things were far worse than I had realised, I wrote more about education. I wrote about the refusal to teach Standard English on the grounds that this was ‘elitist’. How could this be? I had seen firsthand in my own under-educated family that an inability to control the language meant an inability to control their own lives. My Polish grandmother had not been able to fill in an official form without help; my father just didn’t have the words to express complicated thoughts, and would always lose out against those who looked down at him from their educated pedestal. I also observed that those putting such pressure on these teachers from the education establishment were the supercilious upper middle classes, who had no personal experience whatsoever of what it was actually like to be poor and uneducated or an immigrant but were nevertheless imposing their own ideological fantasies onto the vulnerable – and harming them as a result. Teachers wrote to me in despair at the pressure not to impose Standard English on children on the grounds that this was discriminatory. They knew that, on the contrary, this was to abandon those children to permanent servitude and ignorance…Most teachers, I wrote, were unaware that they were the unwitting troops of a cultural revolution, being now taught to teach according to doctrines whose core aim was to subvert the fundamental tenets of Western society. A generation of activists had captured academia, and, in accordance with the strategy of cultural subversion advocated by Antonin Gramsci, had successfully suborned education to a far-left agenda.”

6. The negligent welfare state ”The experience of those years also told me that something was going very wrong with the welfare state. It wasn’t just the lack of provision, which meant that the only care available for my mother from the local authority was a few hours a week with untrained carers who had been recruited off the street. It was also a callousness and indifference amongst the supposedly caring services. It was the hospital nurses who, when my mother broke her hip and through her feebleness was unable to move at all in her hospital bed, left her food and water unwrapped or out of reach and refused to make her comfortable; and the ward sister who, when I complained, told me with a straight face that my mother, who could barely put one foot in front of the other, had a short time before been ‘skipping round the ward’. I realised then that in the National Health Service, Britain’s sanctified temple of altruism, compassion, and decency, if you were old, feeble, and poor you just didn’t stand a chance.”

7.  Environmentalism and fascism ”On the left, it was very obviously a new take on the usual anti-Western, anti-capitalist agenda; the West would have to give up consumerism and return to a barter economy to save the planet. Or something like that. But it was also a sanitised version of the disreputable and discredited dogma of population control, which had given rise to the eugenics movement and the semi-mystical worship of the organic, both of which had been deeply implicated in both the rise of Nazism and in ‘progressive’ thinking up to World War II. To me, the clear message of environmentalism was that the planet would be fine if it wasn’t for the human race. So it was a deeply regressive, reactionary, proto-fascist movement for putting modernity into reverse, destroying the integrity of science, and threatening humanity itself.”

8. The disintegration of the family ”Surely, though, the essence of being progressive was to minimise harm and protect the most vulnerable? Yet this was simply tossed aside by left-wingers, who elevated their own desires into rights that trumped the emotional, physical and intellectual well-being of their children – and then berated as heartless reactionaries those who criticised them! The more this was being justified, the more it was happening. Rising numbers of people were abandoning their spouses and children, or breaking up other people’s families, or bringing children into the world without a father around at all. The left claimed that these activities made the women and children happy and were a refreshing change from the bad old days when simply everyone was miserable because marriage chained women to men who – as everyone with the correct view knew – were basically feckless wife-beaters and child abusers as well as being irrationally prejudiced against the opposite sex.

Since marriage, by and large, was a protection for both children and adults, I thought the state should promote it as a social good. For this I was told I was reactionary, authoritarian and, of course, right-wing. Yet how could it be progressive to encourage deceit, betrayal of trust, breaking of promises and harm to children?

On issues such as education and family, I believed I was doing no more than stating the obvious. To my amazement, however, I found that I was now branded an extremist for doing so. Astoundingly, truth, evidence, and reason had become right-wing concepts. I was now deemed to have become ‘the right’ and even ‘the extreme right’. And when I started writing about family breakdown, I was also called an ‘Old Testament fundamentalist’. At the time, I shrugged this aside as merely a gratuitous bit of bigotry. Much later, however, I came to realise that it was actually a rather precise insult. My assailants had immediately understood something I did not myself at the time understand – that the destruction of the traditional family had as its real target the destruction of Biblical morality. I thought I was merely standing up for evidence, duty and the protection of the vulnerable. But they understood that the banner behind which I was actually marching was the Biblical moral law which put chains on people’s appetites.

I had not yet realised that the left’s aggression towards any dissent or challenge is essentially defensive. They are either guilty about what they are doing because they know it is wrong, or else at some level at least they know that their intellectual position is built on sand. What matters to them above all is that they are seen to be virtuous and intelligent. They care about being seen to be compassionate. They simply cannot deal with the possibility that they might not be. They deal with any such suggestion not by facing up to any harm they may be doing, but by shutting down the argument altogether. That’s because the banner behind which they march is not altruism. It is narcissism.”

9.  Forced paternal child support and sex roles ”the roles of the sexes were being reversed under a policy of enforced androgyny. Women were assuming the roles of both mothers and fathers while masculinity was being progressively written out of the cultural script, and men were being bullied into turning into quasi-women. Far from delivering greater freedom for women, however, this agenda was actually harming them along with their children as both family life and normative values were destroyed.

I saw this as nothing less than outright nihilism which threatened to destroy the West. If all common bonds of tradition, custom, culture, morality, and so forth were destroyed, there would no social glue to keep society together. It would gradually fracture into a set of disparate tribes with competing agendas, and thus eventually would destroy itself. And as I was coming to realise, just about every issue on which I was so embattled – family, education, nation, and many more – were all salients on the great battleground of the culture wars, on which the defenders of the West were losing hands down.”

10. 9/11, moral relativism and appeasement Like most others, I had not seen 9/11 coming. Yet two days earlier, in a column about the decline of Christianity in Britain, I wrote, ‘Liberal values will be protected only if Christianity holds the line as our dominant culture. A society which professes neutrality between cultures would create a void which Islam, with its militant political creed, would attempt to fill’

…. immediately after the Twin Towers collapsed, I realised that what the West was facing was different from ordinary terrorism; and different again from war by one state on another. This was something more akin to a cancer in the global bloodstream which had to be fought with all the weapons, both military and cultural, at our disposal. And yet in that moment I also realised that the West would flinch from this fight, because it no longer recognised the difference between good and evil or the validity of preferring some cultures to others, but had decided instead that all such concepts were relative. And so it would most likely take the path of appeasement rather than the measures needed to defend itself from the attempt to destroy it. And so it has proved.

All, however, is not lost. A culture can pull back from the brink if it tears off its suicidal blinders in time. This can still be achieved — but it requires a recognition above all of the paradox that so many fail to understand, that freedom only exists within clear boundaries, and that preserving the values of Western civilisation requires a robust reassertion of the Judeo-Christian principles on which its foundations rest. And that requires moral, political, and religious leadership of the highest order — and buckets of courage.

Escaping the Welfare Trap

Bernie Madoff Should Have Been a Politician

The left wing Labour party has a scurrilous record on beneficiary dependence.  The bottom line for the Labour party when it comes to welfare dependants is, “more”.  Not necessarily more financial support–although that cannot be ruled out necessarily–but more people receiving welfare payments.  That is partially why the previous Labour regime introduced Working for Families in 2004 in New Zealand, a welfare scheme targeted at the middle class.  The electoral impact is straightforward: when voters become reliant upon government largesse they will vote for the party which introduced it or continues to support it.  More beneficiaries, more votes.

The current government has made reducing long term beneficiary dependence a high priority.  It has introduced a comprehensive, integrated programme to get people back to work.  A core part of that programme is to expect solo mothers on the Domestic Purposes Benefit and others on the unemployment benefit to get a job.  If reasonable steps are not taken, benefits are reduced.  The early results are encouraging:

Latest benefit numbers reveal thousands of New Zealanders have gained financial independence by coming off welfare in the past 12 months, Social Development Minister Paula Bennett says.   Figures for the December 2013 quarter released today show over 17,000 fewer people are on benefit compared to December 2012.  “This is a significant decrease and proof that the welfare reforms implemented by this Government are making a huge difference for New Zealanders,” Mrs Bennett said. . . .

Welfare reforms included new obligations for sole parents to be ready and available for part-time work when their youngest child is school-age and full-time work when their youngest turns 14.  “This impressive drop is down to thousands of sole parents seeking a better future for them and their families through work, and also thanks to Work and Income case managers, who are doing a fantastic job offering better, more targeted support than ever before.”  Over 19,800 people cancelled their benefit to go into work in the last quarter.

The left roundly pilloried the reforms by claiming that the were a cruel joke: there were no jobs to go to.  Labour proposed instead vast increases in public spending, creating jobs, so that welfare beneficiaries could have jobs to do.  All this would mean is a transfer from direct welfare to corporate welfare.  But the Left is either too clever or too ignorant to concede the point. 

So the issue comes down to a few fundamental ideological questions: for example, does the Left agree that nearly 20,000 people off the welfare benefit roles is a good thing?  To this question the Left will never give a straight answer.  But they really believe it is a bad thing to see welfare rolls shrinking.  In the  end, it reduces its electoral traction.  The brute fact is that pretty much everyone who gets a job and comes off welfare–going through the pain of transition and adjustment–becomes an advocate for working rather than staying on welfare rolls.  Their attitudes and expectations change.  They expect their peers to make the same effort they have made. 

The brute reality is that welfarism is the biggest Ponzi scheme of all.  In order to perpetuate itself, the system relies on ever greater numbers of working people and companies earning taxable income.  Ponzi schemes collapse when the numbers entering the scam become less than the numbers already in the system.  Then the money dries up.  All Ponzi schemes collapse when they run out of sufficient new money entering the system to pay out those already in the system.  Welfarism is nothing more than a grand Ponzi scheme.  If it were an investment scheme, its promoters would be jailed for longer than Bernie Madoff.  But since the promoters are politicians and political parties that will never come to pass. But the unethical reality of the rort is undeniable.    

Politically, the only way out of the vice and the inevitable collapse, with all its suffering and attendant turmoil, is to get people out of the dependency trap and into work (genuine work, not corporate welfare positions).  Thus, the present government’s progress is laudable.  We unequivocally affirm that it is a good thing.  It is a great benefit to the body politic.  Long may it continue and increase. 

The Ugly Leftist

How Happy is That Man . . . 

Chris Trotter, arguably New Zealand’s most prominent left wing columnist/theoretician, has recently written the following:

I once concluded an editorial in the NZ Political Review with the following observation:

“There is a paradox here. Conservative political culture, whose raison d’etre is the preservation of social inequality and economic exploitation (not to mention the institutional violence these things create and upon which ruling class power rests) tends to produce individuals of considerable personal charm and genuine liberality. While radical culture, which sets its face against the violence and injustice of entrenched privilege, all too often produces individuals who are aggressive, intolerant and utterly indifferent to the suffering which their relentless quest for justice causes.
“In short, the Right treats humanity like cattle and individual human-beings like princes, while the Left loves humanity with a passion but treats individuals like shit.”

Somewhere there must be an algorithm that delivers the best of both worlds.

I’m still looking.  (H/T Kiwiblog)

Apart from Chris’s continuing quest for  the Holy Grail–for which we wish him bon chance–what are we to make of his observations?
  Firstly, the habitual character of left-wingers.  Are we really to believe that they have imbibed more longer and deeply from the glass of human depravity?  Yes and no.  The Left are idealists; they are ideologically imprisoned in a peculiar, false world view.  Their ideology is that evil is extrinsic and structural, arising out of the economic and social systems in which we live and move.  Change the system and the structures, and all will be put to right. Utopia will be realised.  Exploitation will cease.  Justice will roll down like a river.  Equality will break out.  The lion will lie down with the lamb–or more accurately, the lion will become the lamb.  We will all be lambs. 

So the Leftist has no responsibility to treat people well in a day-to-day, neighbourly sense.  He cannot, while the present system of unjust exploitation remains intact.  No-one can.  But change the economic system and it’s a completely different ball game.  Economic determinism means that the individual will be transformed into a new creature by the new economic system.  Thus, the ideology trumps all individuals.  The Leftist loves mankind in the abstract, but obviates him as concrete particular.  The individual is a mere cipher.  The one who really loves mankind will focus like a laser upon throwing off the present economic exploitative system: then the newborn lion-lambs will emerge.  We will all be changed.  The needs of the many outweigh the need of the one. 

The Leftist is thus free to trample upon any individual who crosses him, who gets in the way of his version of the freight train of dialectical materialism.  Any individual who stands in the way of this version of progress, who dares to demur–be warned.  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.  The Leftist is one of the last teleologists standing: the means are truly justified by the glory of the end.

The liberal/conservative has a different view.  The individual is more important than the system.  This leads to an ethical frame where individuals tend to be more respected, appreciated, and liked.  Human beings are respected right down to the level of their own individual choices.  Sometimes people make stupid choices and face bad consequences.  Sometimes people make sound choices and face bad consequences.  Either way, no-one is really morally and ethically enslaved to an economic system.  If someone is making an effort to do the right thing, he or she warrants help and encouragement.  If someone is not making an effort, they can be challenged and encouraged to do so.  The underlying presumption is the greater worth and dignity of a human soul, regardless of the socio-economic system.   The worth of the one is greater than the (abstract) worth of the many.

But are liberal/conservatives better people than leftists?  Trotter recounts from  his experience that tends to be the case.

In short, the Right treats humanity like cattle and individual human-beings like princes, while the Left loves humanity with a passion but treats individuals like shit.  

But on another level we demur.   It is true that liberals (in the Lockean sense) and conservatives (in the Burkean sense) place a far greater primacy upon the importance of individual human beings.  They remain deeply suspicious of a centralisation of rule in any hands.  Power and authority, therefore, must remain decentralised.  Government, therefore, must be limited.  Freedom of both individuals and civil corporations and associations must be preserved and defended–otherwise Leviathan will re-emerge.  Such a world-view tends to cherish the idiosyncrasies of human beings and their societies and corporations.  It is a world-view with a sense of humour.  Tolerance is its hand-maiden.

But without the meta-narrative of the Holy Scriptures and widespread devotion to the Living God and His Christ, Lockean liberals eventually devolve into secular liberalism which deifies the state and worships a re-emerging Leviathan.  And Burkean conservatives devolve into an idolatrous worship of what has been and is, rather than a reverence for the Lord of the Covenant and the providential Ruler of the past, present, and future. And so it has come to pass.

Leftists are just further down the road to perdition.  Without Christ, liberal/conservatives are fast followers.  They will get there soon enough. 

On the contrary, how happy is the man who makes the Lord his trust.  His love and devotion to mankind will abide–within the enabling restraints and constraints of the law of his Lord.  Leviathan consequently remains chained.  It’s the only way he can be kept at bay.