Letter From China

 When Humour is Forbidden Strange Things Happen

We are all aware that The Onion plays it straight–at least as far as its face is concerned.  It recently awarded the new Korean Dictator the appellation “Sexist Man Alive”.  Read the spread here.

The kicker is at the end of the article, where we read: “UPDATE: For more coverage on The Onion’s Sexiest Man Alive 2012, Kim Jong-Un, please visit our friends at the People’s Daily in China, a proud Communist subsidiary of The Onion, Inc. Exemplary reportage, comrades.”

True.  The People’s Daily, which can never play it straight, illustrates how a steady diet of propaganda will eventually tie the bowels up in knots.  It assumed The Onion was playing right back down the wicket and decided to produce a stunning cover drive to the boundary.   It produced its own extensive spread of Kim Jong-Un cultish adoration, with not a funny bone in sight.

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