"Harmful Misinformation" Bites the Dust

Students vote FOR Free Speech

Students at Auckland University yesterday rejected a motion to disaffiliate a student organization advocating against abortion.  Sanity prevails. 

We are glad about the outcome.  However, it is a reminder that free speech rights are coming under increasing attack from the Left which is working more and more to proscribe speech it deems “harmful” or “offensive”–that is, views and actions with which it disagrees.  In this case, the forces of censorship and proscription were defeated. 

This from the NZ Herald:

A move to ban an anti-abortion club from the Auckland University Students’ Association has been defeated overwhelmingly after an emotional debate about free speech.  A special general meeting attended by a large and noisy crowd in the university quad voted 227-125 yesterday against a motion to disaffiliate the ProLife Auckland club “for propagating harmful misinformation”.

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