Exposing the Hypocrisy Beneath

“You First” Tax

We at Contra Celsum are proposing a new kind of tax.  We realise it’s a bit different, but we believe it’s way past time.

It is called the “You First” tax.  The radical component is that the You First tax will not just be targeted at legal persons– whether corporations, groups, or individuals.  The principle of individually targeted tax law is well established.  Penalty taxes, for example, are applied only to those people who are late in paying their dues.

The radical and refreshing aspect of the new tax is that it focuses only upon those people advocating redistribution of income and wealth.

How will it work?  Whenever anyone advocates the redistribution of wealth and property for the “common good”, the You First tax will be applied to that person so as to reduce their income and property to the minimum income and property band.

Take Elle Macpherson as an apt illustration of how the You First law would apply.  The “supermodel” has candidly pronounced herself a socialist–thereby endorsing government redistribution of income and property: 

Supermodel Elle Macpherson told shock jock Howard Stern Tuesday that she’s pulling for Barack Obama to be reelected.  “I’m living in London and I’m socialist,” she told her host. “What do you expect?”

The You First tax law would strip Macpherson of all her assets, including those which have been sequestered in trusts and other protective mechanisms, and all her personal and corporate income, so that she is earning no more than the minimum wage (say, $20,000 per annum) and owning no more than those living well below the poverty line. 

It goes without saying that under You First tax laws, the expropriations would go into General Funds, but that is OK because this would mean 80% of it would be redistributed into public Health, Education, and Welfare services. 

Just the sort of thing Elle loves and advocates as righteous.


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