Two-Faced Facebook

Facebook Hates the Christian Gospel

Social networking behemoth, Facebook has decided to promote homosexuality by classifying opinions and speech critical of homosexuality on Facebook as hate-speech.  As you all know, hate-speech is a big, big no no. It is the latest attempt at censorship and the denial of free speech. It always devolves into an attack upon Christians and Christianity.  The reason is that the Gospel is offensive to the natural man.

The Bible declares that the Unbeliever abides under the wrath of God (John 3:36).  Now to the natural man in his pride and arrogance, that is offensive.  He regards it as “hateful” speech. So, over time, banning “hate-speech” morphs into restrictions upon and persecution of Christians and the Church.
  When Christians declare that the Bible condemns homosexuality as abhorrent, a perversion, an evil–denounced in the same ethical terms as murder, theft, God-cursing and paedophilia–homosexuals and Unbelievers regard that as hate-speech.

Ironically, of course, the Unbeliever cannot argue or prosecute his cause without expressing hate-speech towards Christians and the Church.  Thus when your opponent expresses his views he is denounced as being guilty of hate-speech; when one denounces the “hater” it is regarded as just, and righteous, and fair.  The “hate-speech” construct is simply a device to exert hegemony over others. 

So, Facebook has decided to enter the lists and engage in hateful acts against those who condemn the ethical perversion of homosexuality.  Here is the Daily Caller‘s take on the matter.

Facebook: Criticizing gays no longer allowed, but hoping for Limbaugh’s slow death OK

At the end of last week Facebook announced that it had allied with the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) to remove what it considers anti-gay references from the social networking site.
“This violent, hateful speech has no place in our media – whether it is in print, on the airwaves or online,” GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios said in a press release. “Facebook has taken an important first step in making social media a place where anti-gay violence is not allowed. Our community needs to continue to be vigilant and report instances of hateful comments and images across the site to Facebook moderators as well as post messages of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.”

The site’s “Statement of Rights and Responsibilities” already demands that users to adhere to basic precepts of civility while using Facebook. “You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user. You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence,” the agreement reads. Facebook further reserves the right to remove any content that violates these standards.

But not all threatening language is created equal, apparently. Among Facebook’s many online communities are groups such as, “I Hate Rush Limbaugh,” “I Can’t Wait For Rush Limbaugh to Die,” and “Rush Limbaugh Should Die Slowly.” Hateful? Yes. Threatening? Sure. So why are these groups still on Facebook?

In an email to The Daily Caller, Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes did his best to explain why language criticizing homosexuality is hateful and will be censored, while calls for Rush Limbaugh’s slow death are legitimate and allowed. “Direct statements of hate against particular communities violate our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and are removed when reported to us,” Noyes wrote. “However, groups that express an opinion on a state, institution, or set of beliefs — even if that opinion is outrageous or offensive to some — do not by themselves violate our policies. When a group created to express an opinion devolves into hate speech, we will remove the hateful comments and may even remove the group itself.”

Got that? Looks like Limbaugh needs his own anti-defamation alliance.

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