>The Idols Lie Broken in the Temple of Baal

>The Ben Bernank

We posted recently on the folly of quantitative easing, as now being carried out by the Federal Reserve in the US. It is an example of how we move from folly to folly, endless booms to busts. It is part of God’s judgement and discipline upon Western society because it lives to vaunt itself against God.

A hilarious animation has been produced which holds the entire modern monetary system and the current Fed policy up to ridicule. Enjoy. Some things are just so stupid that laughter is the best medicine.

It is the fool who has said in his heart, there is no God (Psalm 14:1). Our modern Western culture has become the parody of an asylum run by inmates. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Deliver us from our folly and return us to You. If You do not come to us, we are without hope. Our leaders are idolaters, and our wise are as serpents. Our teachers are false prophets, and the people lie in great darkness. In Your justice, remember mercy.

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