>The S-Files

>S-Award given to Ron Mark, MP

Contra Celsum is pleased to nominate Ron Mark, MP for an S-Award (together with two unnamed assistants) whose prompt actions saved a precious human life.


1. On the 17th May, 2008 (NZ Herald, 27th May 2008) Herman van Krieken was riding his motorbike when he was struck by a trailer going through the Terrace Tunnel. He was catapulted to the side of the tunnel, sustaining a complex leg fracture, a broken hand, and a split vertebrae.

2. He reports that within “three seconds” three people had got to his side, one of which was Ron Mark, MP who sort to stabilize him. Mark poked his finger into his main artery, stemming the flow of blood, saving his life.

3. Mark was on his way to the airport, was dressed in formal attire, but instantly laid these things aside and stepped up, then got down and dirty, and saved the man’s life. He was assisted by his de facto wife and another woman.

4. Mark said: “I was trying to catch my plane . . . I heard the bang and saw the man flying through the air and the bike careering off down the road and the cars braking. I did the normal things, try to stabilise him, check him out . . .”

Humorists will point out that Ron Mark’s fingers have had a notorious political career. Contra Celsum wishes to acknowledge that on the 17th of May in the Terrace Tunnel, Marks’s fingers redeemed themselves in spades!
When men and women react so instinctively and immediately, without regard for their own safety or concerns, putting the dire needs of others first, they provoke everyone else to emulate their deeds. They make a difference, not only to Mr van Krieken, but to us all.

Thank you for such an example of humanity and noble courage in an otherwise madding world.

Ron Marks, MP: S-Award, Class I for actions in the course of duty that were Smart, Sound, and Salutary.

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