>ChnMind 1.7 Athens the City of the Great Lie


In this series of essays, “The Christian Mind: Foundations in Genesis” we are seeking to sketch out the field of play and the basic rules of the game that we call being or human destiny or history or metaphysics. We have argued that there two world views about the “game” and these are represented in two cities: the city of the Believing Mind, Jerusalem, on the one hand, and the city of Unbelief, Athens, on the other.

Between these two cities is a great gulf—although in actual metaphysical and physical terms the two cities are completely intertwined. They co-exist. The citizens of Jerusalem intermingle with the citizens of Athens. Believers in the Living God rub shoulders with deniers of the Living God. They mingle every day. There is, however, a great antithesis between the two cities that represents a chasm which cannot be bridged.

But this chasm does not imply some sort of eternal dualism—a permanent state of separated co-existence, as if the two cities were equally valid alternatives. In fact, as we have seen, the city of Athens is an aberration and a lie. When God created all things of nothing there was only Jerusalem, no Athens. The city of Athens came into existence later—as the great counterfeit. Its existence is temporary and tenuous; it will eventually pass out of human history and knowledge as the sole glory of Jerusalem is re-established upon the earth, as all its enemies are placed under the feet of the King of Jerusalem, the Son of David, King of all kings.

But in the meantime, Athens depends upon Jerusalem for its existence, even as the lie depends upon the truth in order to exist as a falsehood. Athens, despite itself, is forced daily to depend upon and acknowledge the Living and eternal God. It affirms and acknowledges God in its ceaseless striving against Him. Unable to erase the truth of God from its heart, Athens cannot help but utter His Name, and the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ without ceasing—every waking moment of every day—albeit, not in homage and worship, but in an attempt to curse and defame Him. While insisting that the universe is a world resting upon a sea of chance, Athens insists—at the same time—on the structure and regularity and law and order of the world. While denying vociferously the existence of an eternal Judge before Whom they will give an account for every thought, word and deed against the bar of His eternal law, at the same time and in the same breath Athenians bray on about rights and justice and good and evil. In the world-view of Athens this has to be nonsensical, fatuous rubbish; however, Athens cannot help thinking, acting and living within the biblical frame.

While insisting that man is a chance collection of random material, Athens at the same time, and out of the very same mouth, also insists on the glory and dignity of mankind—once again confirming the egregious stupidity and foolishness of unbelief. Why does Athens insist upon the glory and dignity of man? Because Athens cannot exist without such a belief; it would integrate into the void; it would collapse into nihilism. Every day, Athens can only exist by affirming, drawing upon, depending upon the Living and Eternal God who created all things of nothing, and upholds them by the Word of His power. This is what the Bible characterises as “suppressing the truth, in unrighteousness,” (Romans 1:18) and it is one of the abiding characteristics of Athens.

Fatal contradictions and internal discrepancies do not bring Athens to its knees, however. For Athens, it has never been about rationality or truth—despite its constant rationalistic boasts; it has always been about maintaining the Great Lie, namely that the God of Scriptures does not, and cannot exist. Like the politician who knows the inherent stupidity and weakness of his position and therefore speaks more loudly and stridently in an attempt to drown out the doubts, so Athens brays all the louder. But when confronted with Jerusalem’s insistence that Athens face these fatal flaws, it always has a stock standard response. It attacks the messenger.

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